Sunday, March 16, 2014

What's Happening Now?

I have a new website which is online at  This blog is linked directly off the main menu of the new website. There is also a store that will be live by the middle of April. It has to be--I have a virtual sales table for the NAME Online Houseparty from April 22 - 27 and my sales link is my store on the website.

But, before that happens, I will be in Chicago April 10-12 as one of the miniature dealers at the 3 Blind Mice Miniature Show.  I am partnering with Phyllis Brown of Zealousarts and we will have a nice selection of miniature accessories for your dollhouses, roomboxes and mini scenes in one-inch and quarter scale.  I, of course, will have one-inch scale fine silver accessories and inch and quarter scale miniature books.  Phyllis's line of accessories includes a variety of ceramic wares--including cannister and bowl set for the kitchen, wooden shelves and bookcases, toys and jewelry.

I am also offering a bookmaking class on Thursday before the show opens. All of the information is on the 3 Blind Mice website HERE.

So, if you are in the Chicago area April 10 - 12, please stop by and visit us.