Friday, September 25, 2009

Artists of INprint Show at Robert Goodman Jewelers in Zionsville

Show Dates: August 20 - October 11, 2009

Five artists from INprint--Cynthia Blasingham, Patrick Flaherty, Marti Icenogle (ME!!), Myra Perrin, and Betty Scarpino currently grace the walls Robert Goodman Jewelers in Zionsville, IN.
These are the four monotype prints that I have in the show--Wildflowers and Fireflies (top row); Quiet River and Summer Green (bottom row).

A very lovely opening reception was held on September 18 from 5:30 to 8:00 P.M. Bob and Rose Marie, the owners, provided wine from The Grapevine Cottage and food from Serenity, both Zionsville businesses.

INprint is a regional association of 25 fine art printmakers based in Central Indiana, formed in 1997 at the Indianapolis Art Center and affiliated with them since. INprint strives to share, create, educate, and promote the media of printmaking; and to encourage, inspire, and enrich communities through our artwork, with focus on social, environmental, cultural, and spiritual issues. Their artwork consists of original hand-pulled prints including etching, silkscreen, monoprint, monotype, collagraph, woodcut, linocut, lithography, and new non-toxic intaglio and relief.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pirate Art Show at Garfield Park

If you haven't had a chance to visit the Pirate Art Show at Garfield Park Art Center, you still have a few days to get into to see the show. The show closes on August 30th. But, just in case, you can't make the show, here are a few pictures that I shoot in the gallery. To the right is a picture of my pirate on display. I also shoot a picture Kris May's work that is on display. (On the left.) And below are some other pictures that took in the gallery.

Open Studio - Jewelry Making

I will be leading an open studio in jewelry making at Garfield Park Art Center beginning September 3. So if you are looking for a fun evening out to work on your jewelry projects and socialize with others with similar interests, please come join us. Pre-registration is required, so visit my open studio information page for more details.

Printmaking Pursuits

In addition to designing and creating art jewelery, I am now also doing printmaking. I have had the privilege of studying with Cynthia Blasingham this past year and have learned how to make prints using several different printmaking techniques, including woodcuts, monotypes, etching, and drypoint. I plan to continue studying printmaking and creating new prints.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Start of My Journey

I happily started on my printmaking journey in 2007 when I bowed out from life in corporate America. At first I did a lot of reading about printmaking, especially the Japanese woodcut techniques Then in September of 2008, I started taking printmaking classes from Cynthia Blasingham and and have had an opportunity to try many different types of printmaking techniques in both intaglio and relief. I have done monotypes, woodcuts, wood engraving, etchings on copper, drypoint on plexi and collagraphs. As a result, I have decided that what I love doing are monotypes and woodcuts. I am sure that I will continue trying other printmaking techniques from time to time, but my current plans are to focus my printmaking efforts on woodcuts and montypes.

I have already participated in three print exchanges. Two in my classes and one as a member of INPrint. I was delighted to be asked to participate in the INPrint exchange, but also overwhelmed by the quality of prints in the that exchange. But that was good, because it will push me to strive harder to create a better print for the exchange for next year.

My current printmaking goals include setting up my studio space for more efficient printmaking, taking a class in moku hanga, and buying an etching press. Due to the price of presses, the later is a slightly longer term goal.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Trunk Show June 5th & 6th Featuring Indy Cloth Dollmakers

Blooming Dragon is hosting a Trunk Show for the Indy Cloth Dollmakers on Friday, June 5th, 5 - 8 pm and Saturday, June 6th, noon - 6pm. The Indy Cloth Dollmakers is a group of artists and craftspeople who meet in Irvington to create cloth dolls, fabric figures, and mixed-media sculpture. They are bringing a host of small angels and other delightful dolls to our trunk show. Come see their hand-made creations and talk with members of the club about dollmaking as art.


Come visit us in Irvington on June 20th to Celebrate Irvington. Blooming Dragon will be participating in the Irvington Guild of Artist Art Walk from noon to 6 pm on June 20th. You can pick up a map to follow to view artwork from various local artists while browsing local shops and other Irvington venues.

Bob and Moon Stump of Mixed Media Jewelry will be on-site at Blooming Dragon for the Art Walk to show off their latest lampwork and chain maille creations and talk about their artwork. Watch for more information about Celebrate Irvington and the Art Walk on the Irvington Guild of Artists Blog.

NEW Design Your Own Scarf Class - $20.00

Sign up for our fun summer "design your own scarf" class on Thursday, June 11, 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Learn how to make beautiful silk scarves and keep one for yourself. In this class Loretta Sneed teaches you the technique of creating unique, beautiful fabric art pieces that you'll enjoy wearing yourself or giving as a special gift. For more information or to register for this class, email or call 356-4400, or stop by the Blooming Dragon Emporium and talk to Marti or Miranda.


Marti is again offering a class for artists who want to build a web presence but who don't want to invest a lot of time or money in building a web site, or who just aren't sure yet if they need a web site.

I Want My Art on the Web, BUT...
Sunday, May 24, 1:00 - 3:00 – $10.00 per person

In this class you will learn about free, low tech ways to display your art online. We will discuss the pros and cons of using online photo albums, online galleries, and blogs. You will also leave the class with a resource list so that you can explore each of these options further.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Marti is offering a class for artists who want to build a web presence but who don't want to invest a lot of time or money in building a web site, or who just aren't sure yet if they need a web site. This new class is
I Want My Art on the Web, BUT...
Sunday, May 24, 1:00 - 3:00 – $10.00 per person
In this class you will learn about free, low tech ways to display your art online. We will discuss the pros and cons of using online photo albums, online galleries, and blogs. You will also leave the class with a resource list so that you can explore each of these options further.

Trunk Show May 1 & 2

This Month's Trunk Show Showcases Tina Icenogle's Fused Glass
Friday, May 1st, 5:00 – 8:00
Saturday, May 2nd, Noon to 5:00 pm

Tina loves making fused glass jewelry and other small fused glass items. She particularly enjoys creating unique pieces using layers and layers of dichroic glass to add amazing luster, opal-like depth of color, and sparkling radiance. So, stop by our trunk show, meet Tina, talk glass, and maybe enhance your jewelry collection with one of her sparkling creations.