Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pirate Art Show at Garfield Park

If you haven't had a chance to visit the Pirate Art Show at Garfield Park Art Center, you still have a few days to get into to see the show. The show closes on August 30th. But, just in case, you can't make the show, here are a few pictures that I shoot in the gallery. To the right is a picture of my pirate on display. I also shoot a picture Kris May's work that is on display. (On the left.) And below are some other pictures that took in the gallery.

Open Studio - Jewelry Making

I will be leading an open studio in jewelry making at Garfield Park Art Center beginning September 3. So if you are looking for a fun evening out to work on your jewelry projects and socialize with others with similar interests, please come join us. Pre-registration is required, so visit my open studio information page for more details.

Printmaking Pursuits

In addition to designing and creating art jewelery, I am now also doing printmaking. I have had the privilege of studying with Cynthia Blasingham this past year and have learned how to make prints using several different printmaking techniques, including woodcuts, monotypes, etching, and drypoint. I plan to continue studying printmaking and creating new prints.