Friday, February 5, 2010

Moku Hanga Class with Mary Brodbeck

I started trying to make arrangements to take a moku hanga class with Mary Brodbeck in Kalamazoo, Michigan, over a year ago. For those that don't know, moku hanga is the Japanese term for woodblock print (moku means wood and hanga means print). This technique involves the use of water based ink (or paint) rice past (known as Nori). You mix the pigment directly on your wood block with a little rice paste. Then. you use special brushes to spread it across the block, and final you print on damp paper. If you are familiar with the Western style of printing wood block prints, you know that this is a very different technique.

Finally, in late January, Cynthia Blasingham and I headed to Kalamazoo for a weekend class with Mary. Here is Mary showing us one of her latest prints.

And below you see Cynthia at work on her moku hanga print.

I am really excited about all of things that we learned and hope to start trying some of these techniques in own studio soon. But, unfortunately, I am battling tendonitis in my wrist and currently need to wear brace on my wrist when I am active. But, hopefully that will clear up soon and I will be able to make my own moku hanga prints.