Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Start of My Journey

I happily started on my printmaking journey in 2007 when I bowed out from life in corporate America. At first I did a lot of reading about printmaking, especially the Japanese woodcut techniques Then in September of 2008, I started taking printmaking classes from Cynthia Blasingham and and have had an opportunity to try many different types of printmaking techniques in both intaglio and relief. I have done monotypes, woodcuts, wood engraving, etchings on copper, drypoint on plexi and collagraphs. As a result, I have decided that what I love doing are monotypes and woodcuts. I am sure that I will continue trying other printmaking techniques from time to time, but my current plans are to focus my printmaking efforts on woodcuts and montypes.

I have already participated in three print exchanges. Two in my classes and one as a member of INPrint. I was delighted to be asked to participate in the INPrint exchange, but also overwhelmed by the quality of prints in the that exchange. But that was good, because it will push me to strive harder to create a better print for the exchange for next year.

My current printmaking goals include setting up my studio space for more efficient printmaking, taking a class in moku hanga, and buying an etching press. Due to the price of presses, the later is a slightly longer term goal.